The Prestage Department of Poultry Science (PDPS) used to put out an annual report, but hadn’t produced one in over 10 years. The new department head requested a document that would be appropriate for internal and external audiences. These audiences included the PDPS faculty and staff, the college administration and other deans, industry partners and executives, prospective students, prospective donors and the general public.
An ad hoc committee was formed to work on the project. I worked on the final document design and production. The source material primarily came from a draft produced in the department. This draft provided some basic information, but I also had to work with others in the department to verify information and gather context for some parts. There was some irregularity in the report, as it did not strictly follow any specific year – it covers primarily the fiscal year ending in June 2018 but reaches back roughly 18 months for some awards, numbers, etc.
The goal of the document was to communicate the department’s accomplishments and current facts in a visually pleasing, easy-to-browse document. We also had to follow NC State brand guidelines for color palette, image use, font and writing style.
The final report was 36 pages (including covers). It was printed on 80lb non-glossy paper and used saddle-stitch binding. The finished book was 8″ x 10″.
The pages here are included as examples of color palette, image use, writing style, tables, icons (NC State assets) and overall look and feel.
After the 2017 Annual Report was published, I was asked to chair the Annual Report Committee for future reports.
Browse the entire report: