Many NC State campus buildings have screens for digital signs. Content is managed through an in-house system called Billboard. Billboard allows campus content creators to share materials and control what to display on which screens.

The main lobby screen in Scott Hall, home of the Prestage Department of Poultry Science (opens in a new tab), needed content with basic security information related to working with poultry flocks. Using NC State digital sign templates and current biosecurity material, I designed a slide that presented the information and followed university brand guidelines (opens in a new tab). Some icons needed to be recolored, rotated and resized. I used Adobe Illustrator (Ai) to recolor and saved items as vector graphics. I rotated and set the needed final size using Photoshop (Ps). The final slide was saved as a PNG file and uploaded and configured in the Billboard system. Billboard allows for slides to automatically end – this slide has no end date set.


  • Project Type: Digital Sign, Marketing
  • Audience: Poultry Science department, Any NC State visitor
  • Skills Needed: Graphic Design, Marketing, NC State Brand
  • Applications Used: Billboard, Illustrator (Ai), InDesign (Id), NC State Brand assets, Photoshop (Ps), PowerPoint