Technology for instruction and communication

The more I’ve worked with technology, the more I’ve enjoyed it. My background is in the humanities and libraries – I don’t have formal education in technology. I got interested in technology projects growing up in a house full of engineers and returned to technology during my graduate program in library science. I learned tutorial creation and audio recording to support instructional library work. I started working with websites because I enjoy knowing how things work and creating things.

In addition to on-the-job learning and ‘tinkering,’ I’ve taken many workshops and completed many tutorials/online courses on technology topics. My CV has a full list of professional development opportunities I’ve completed. Some recent workshops are listed on my LinkedIn account (opens in a new tab).

I use the following programs to create technology projects:

  • Snagit (TechSmith)
  • Camtasia (TechSmith)
  • Articulate Storyline
  • Audacity
  • Adobe Premiere Pro (Pr)
  • WordPress
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Web-based applications

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